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Peters Receives Two Prestigious Awards Totaling $550,000

Named a CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar and Air Force Scientific Young Investigator
By V. G. J. Rodgers |

Professor Megan Peters was named a CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar in the Azrieli Program for Brain, Mind, & Consciousness.  This award includes a $100,000 CAD award for research and a 2-year period of participation in the program.  More info on CIFAR can be found here.  

Dr. Peters also received the Air Force Office of Research Young Investigator Program. The specific program is the Cognitive and Computational Neurosciences program under PO Hal Greenwald. The title of her project is "Neural Computations and Information Flow Underlying Uncertainty Evaluation”. This program comes with financial support of $450,000 for three years. For more information, check here.

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